Source code for

deck of cards submodule

import random
from collections import Counter
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any
from gamble.errors import InvalidCard

[docs] @dataclass class Suit: """ suit Args: name: the name of this suit char: the ascii character representation for this suit symbol: the unicode symbol char for this suit value: the value of the suit color: the color of the suit unicode: the unicode id for this suit as an int """ name: str char: str symbol: str value: int color: int unicode: int
[docs] @dataclass class Value: """ value Args: char: the ascii character representation for this value name: the name of the card value: the value of the card as an int """ char: str name: str value: int
[docs] @dataclass class Rank: """ hand ranks Args: value: the integer value of the rank name: the name of the rank """ value: int name: str
[docs] class Card: """ playing card model Args: value: the value of the card to create suit: the suit of the card to create """ BLACK = 0 RED = 1
[docs] class Suits: """ card suit enum """ SPADES = Suit(name="spades", char="S", symbol="♠", value=0, color=0, unicode=127136) CLUBS = Suit(name="clubs", char="C", symbol="♣", value=1, color=0, unicode=127184) DIAMONDS = Suit(name="diamonds", char="D", symbol="♦", value=2, color=1, unicode=127168) HEARTS = Suit(name="hearts", char="H", symbol="♥", value=3, color=1, unicode=127152)
[docs] @classmethod def all(cls) -> list[Suit]: """ get all suits in this enum Returns: a list of the suit objects """ return sorted( [ cls.__dict__[x] for x in dir(cls) if not x.startswith("_") and isinstance(cls.__dict__[x], Suit) ], key=lambda x: x.value, )
[docs] @classmethod def dict(cls) -> dict[str, Suit]: """ dict of char -> Suit Returns: a dictionary of all the card values """ return {x.char: x for x in cls.all()}
[docs] class Values: """ card value enum """ ACE = Value(char="A", name="ace", value=1) TWO = Value(char="2", name="two", value=2) THREE = Value(char="3", name="three", value=3) FOUR = Value(char="4", name="four", value=4) FIVE = Value(char="5", name="five", value=5) SIX = Value(char="6", name="six", value=6) SEVEN = Value(char="7", name="seven", value=7) EIGHT = Value(char="8", name="eight", value=8) NINE = Value(char="9", name="nine", value=9) TEN = Value(char="T", name="ten", value=10) JACK = Value(char="J", name="jack", value=11) QUEEN = Value(char="Q", name="queen", value=12) KING = Value(char="K", name="king", value=13)
[docs] @classmethod def all(cls) -> list[Value]: """ get all suits Returns: a list of all the values in this enum """ return sorted( [ cls.__dict__[x] for x in dir(cls) if not x.startswith("_") and isinstance(cls.__dict__[x], Value) ], key=lambda x: x.value, )
[docs] @classmethod def dict(cls) -> dict[str, Value]: """ dict of char -> Value Returns: a dictionary of card characters to their Value representations """ return {x.char: x for x in cls.all()}
def __init__(self, value: Value = Values.ACE, suit: Suit = Suits.SPADES) -> None: self.value = value self.suit = suit
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, text: str) -> "Card": """ get a card by text representation Args: text: a string representation of a card value and suit Returns: the created card, if the string was valid """ if not len(text) == 2: raise InvalidCard("Too many characters for a card!") vals = cls.Values.dict() suits = cls.Suits.dict() value_char, suit_char = list(text.upper()) if value_char not in vals: raise InvalidCard("Invalid value for card!") if suit_char not in suits: raise InvalidCard("Invalid suit for card!") return cls(value=vals[value_char], suit=suits[suit_char])
@property def color(self) -> int: """ returns the color of the card Returns: the color enum int for this card """ return self.suit.color @property def full_name(self) -> str: """ returns the full name for this card Returns: the full name of this card """ return f"{} of {}" @property def is_black(self) -> bool: """ is_black property Returns: if this card is in a black suit """ return self.color == Card.BLACK @property def is_red(self) -> bool: """ is_red property Returns: if this card is in a red suit """ return self.color == Card.RED @property def unicode(self) -> str: """ get the fun little unicode card for this card Returns: the nice looking unicode char for the suit of this card """ # we need to skip the 'knight' card if we're a queen or king hack = int(self.value.value >= 12) return chr(self.suit.unicode + self.value.value + hack)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ string representation of this card Returns: a string of this card """ return f"{self.value.char}{self.suit.symbol}"
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ representation of this card Returns: a repr of this card """ return f"<Card:{self}>"
[docs] def __lt__(self, other: "Card") -> bool: """ less than dunder method Args: other: another card to compare against Returns: true if this card is less than other """ return self.value.value < other.value.value
[docs] def __gt__(self, other: "Card") -> bool: """ greater than dunder method Args: other: another card to compare against Returns: true if this card is greater than other """ return self.value.value > other.value.value
[docs] def __le__(self, other: "Card") -> bool: """ less than or equal to dunder method Args: other: another card to compare against Returns: true if less than or equal to other """ return self < other or self == other
[docs] def __ge__(self, other: "Card") -> bool: """ greater than or equal to dunder method Args: other: another card to compare against Returns: true if this card is greater than or equal to other """ return self > other or self == other
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """ equal to dunder method Args: other: another card to compare against Returns: true if this card is the same as other """ if not isinstance(other, Card): return False return self.suit == other.suit and self.value == other.value
[docs] class Hand: """ playing card hand model Args: cards: a list of card objects for this hand """
[docs] class Ranks: """ hand ranks for poker """ ROYAL_FLUSH = Rank(value=9, name="royal flush") STRAIGHT_FLUSH = Rank(value=8, name="straight flush") FOUR_OF_A_KIND = Rank(value=7, name="four of a kind") FULL_HOUSE = Rank(value=6, name="full house") FLUSH = Rank(value=5, name="flush") STRAIGHT = Rank(value=4, name="straight") THREE_OF_A_KIND = Rank(value=3, name="three of a kind") TWO_PAIR = Rank(value=2, name="two pair") PAIR = Rank(value=1, name="pair") HIGH_CARD = Rank(value=0, name="high card")
def __init__(self, cards: list[Card]) -> None: self._cards = cards = sorted(self._cards) self.size = len( self.value_counts = Counter([x.value.value for x in]) self.suit_counts = Counter([x.suit.value for x in])
[docs] def __lt__(self, other: "Hand") -> bool: """ less than dunder method Args: other: another hand to compare against Returns: true if this hand is less than the other """ return self.rank.value < other.rank.value
[docs] def __gt__(self, other: "Hand") -> bool: """ greater than dunder method Args: other: another hand to compare against Returns: true if this hand is greater than the other """ return self.rank.value > other.rank.value
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ dunder len method Returns: the number of cards in this hand """ return len(
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ string representation of the hand Returns: this hand as a string """ return f"[{', '.join([str(x) for x in])}]"
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ repr of the hand Returns: this hand as repr """ return f"<Hand[{self.size}]({}) {self}>"
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, text: str) -> "Hand": """ get a hand by text representations Args: text: a text representation of a hand Returns: a hand, if the string was valid """ card_strings = text.replace(" ", "").upper().split(",") cards = [Card.get(x) for x in card_strings] return cls(cards=cards)
@property def rank(self) -> Rank: # noqa: PLR0911 """ get the rank of this hand Returns: a rank object representing the rank of this hand """ if self.is_royal_flush: return Hand.Ranks.ROYAL_FLUSH if self.is_straight_flush: return Hand.Ranks.STRAIGHT_FLUSH if self.is_four_of_a_kind: return Hand.Ranks.FOUR_OF_A_KIND if self.is_full_house: return Hand.Ranks.FULL_HOUSE if self.is_flush: return Hand.Ranks.FLUSH if self.is_straight: return Hand.Ranks.STRAIGHT if self.is_three_of_a_kind: return Hand.Ranks.THREE_OF_A_KIND if self.is_two_pair: return Hand.Ranks.TWO_PAIR if self.is_one_pair: return Hand.Ranks.PAIR return Hand.Ranks.HIGH_CARD @property def _vals(self) -> list[int]: """ values helper to make the following checks less verbose Returns: a sorted list of all cards in this hand """ return sorted(self.value_counts.values(), reverse=True) @property def is_royal_flush(self) -> bool: """ check if the hand is a royal flush Returns: true if royal flush """ return ( self.is_flush and self.is_straight and[0].value == Card.Values.ACE and[-1].value == Card.Values.KING ) @property def is_straight_flush(self) -> bool: """ check if the hand is a straight flush Returns: true if straight flush """ return self.is_flush and self.is_straight and not self.is_royal_flush @property def is_four_of_a_kind(self) -> bool: """ check if the hand is four of a kind Returns: true if four of a kind """ return self._vals[0] == 4 @property def is_full_house(self) -> bool: """ check if the hand is a full house Returns: true if full house """ return self._vals[0:2] == [3, 2] @property def is_flush(self) -> bool: """ check if the hand is a flush Returns: true if flush """ return len({x.suit.value for x in}) == 1 @property def is_straight(self) -> bool: """ check if the hand is a straight Returns: true if straight """ def check(value_set: set) -> bool: """ check if the given set is a straight Args: value_set: the set to check for a straight Returns: true if this set is a straight """ value_range = max(value_set) - min(value_set) return (value_range == self.size - 1) and (len(value_set) == self.size) values = [x.value.value for x in] low_ace = set(values) high_ace = {x if x != 1 else 14 for x in values} return check(low_ace) or check(high_ace) @property def is_three_of_a_kind(self) -> bool: """ check if the hand is three of a kind Returns: true if is three of a kind """ return self._vals[0] == 3 @property def is_two_pair(self) -> bool: """ check if the hand contains two pair Returns: true if is two pair """ return self._vals[0:2] == [2, 2] @property def is_one_pair(self) -> bool: """ check if the hand contains one pair Returns: true if is one pair """ return self._vals[0] == 2
[docs] class Deck: """ playing card deck model Args: cards: a list of cards for this deck shuffle: if we should start with the deck shuffled """ def __init__( self, cards: list[Card] | None = None, shuffle: bool = True, default_draw_count: int = 1 ) -> None: if cards: = cards else: # lets start with a default deck of 52 = [] self.default_deck( self.shuffles = 0 self.draws = 0 self.default_draw_count = default_draw_count if shuffle: self.shuffle()
[docs] def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool: """ dunder contains method Args: item: the item to check for in this deck Returns: true if this deck contains the given object """ if not isinstance(item, Card): return False return item in
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ string representation of a deck Returns: a string representation of this deck """ return f"<Deck[{self.cards_left}]>"
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ term representation of a deck Returns: a repr representation of this deck """ return str(self)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Card: """ get the card at the given index in the deck Returns: the card at the given index """ return[index]
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """ clear the deck of all cards """[:] = []
[docs] def default_deck(self, cards: list[Card]) -> None: """ load the standard 52 cards into the given set of cards """ for suit in Card.Suits.all(): for value in Card.Values.all(): cards.append(Card(value=value, suit=suit))
@property def top(self) -> Card: """ the top card of the deck Returns: a card off the top of the deck """ return[-1] @property def bottom(self) -> Card: """ the bottom card of the deck Returns: a card off the bottom of the deck """ return[0] @property def cards_left(self) -> int: """ number of cards left in the deck Returns: the number of cards left """ return len(
[docs] def draw(self, times: int = -1) -> Card | list[Card]: """ draws the given number of cards from the deck Args: times: the number of times to draw Returns: a card or list of cards drawn """ if times == -1: times = self.default_draw_count if times == 1: self.draws += 1 return cards = [] for _ in range(times): self.draws += 1 cards.append( return cards
[docs] def draw_hand(self, size: int = 5) -> Hand: """ draw a hand from this deck Args: size: the size of hand to draw Returns: a hand object of size size """ cards = self.draw(times=size) return Hand(cards=cards if isinstance(cards, list) else [cards])
[docs] def shuffle(self, times: int = 1) -> None: """ shuffle the deck Args: times: the number of times to shuffle the deck """ for _ in range(times): self.shuffles += 1 random.shuffle(
[docs] class EuchreDeck(Deck): """ deck specifically for euchre """ def __init__(self, **_: Any) -> None: cards: list[Card] = [] # euchre uses 9, 10, J, Q, K, A of all suits values = [x for x in Card.Values.all() if x.value >= 9 or x.value == 1] for suit in Card.Suits.all(): for value in values: cards.append(Card(value=value, suit=suit)) cards.reverse() super().__init__(cards=cards)
[docs] class MultiDeck(Deck): """ deck consisting of multiple standard decks Args: num_decks: the number of standard decks to combine into one deck """ def __init__(self, num_decks: int = 2) -> None: cards: list[Card] = [] for _ in range(num_decks): self.default_deck(cards) super().__init__(cards=cards)
[docs] class BlackJackDeck(MultiDeck): """ a standard blackjack shoe Args: num_decks: the number of standard decks to combine into this blackjack shoe """ def __init__(self, num_decks: int = 8) -> None: super().__init__(num_decks=num_decks)